Sunday, January 24, 2010

#77: Notorious

Notirious (Hitchcock, 1946)

Notorious is a very Hitchcocky film. The lead male and female characters are exactly like the male and female leads in other Hitchcock films, and Cary Grant plays the 'Hitchcock lead male' with a certain smug paternalism that can be obnoxious at times. When they fall in love at the beginning I don't think it's been justified much yet in the plot -- they fall in love pretty much out of the psychic knowledge that they are the male and female leads of the movie.

I don't have that much more to say about the film. It's a good film which happens not to do anything that isn't exactly the same as something in another Hitchcock movie, except for maybe the clever ending.

Rating: *** / 5


Next I'm going to try to get one of the ones I didn't like the first time I saw it out of the way, just so they don't all bunch up at the end. Something like Breathless or Nashville. Probably Breathless.

Being way too old fashioned to be 26, I'm just now discovering Netflix. I'll use it for the stuff I think I probably won't want to own.


Moon *** / 5

Enjoyable film that's a bit too derivative of Ridley Scott.

Police, Adjective **** / 5

A bit of an overly intellectual film that sets out to reverse the cliches of the cop movie genre. The film can be a bit boring, but makes very nuanced points about strict enforcement of victimless crime laws.

Sherlock Holmes 1/2 / 5

It's like watching one of the Batman films from the 90s, except the main character is House.

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